Daruma Doll - 達磨

This doll is considered to be good luck in Japan.

This doll is considered to be good luck in Japan. Daruma dolls are based on the story of Bodhidharma, the founder of Zen Buddhism. Followers of Zen Buddhism meditate sitting down with their legs tucked under their body. Bodhidharma is said to have sat meditating in this position for so long that his legs and arms withered away and that is why the doll is round without arms or legs.


Daruma dolls are usually painted red and have no eyes. When a Japanese person makes a wish, they will paint in one of the daruma's eyes. When their wish comes true, they paint in the other eye. Political candidates often use daruma dolls to wish for success. If the candidate is elected, they will paint in the daruma's second eye.


Furthermore, if a daruma doll is pushed over, it will roll back up. This is considered to be good luck because it symbolizes a person bouncing back after being knocked down by a tough challenge. Persistence and trying one's best are very important values in Japanese culture.